Report on exhibition of children’s drawings and video-documentary projection.

20.11.2013. on international Children Day we have organized joint exhibition and projection of video-documentary made by students in a newly rebuild Šarića house. The main idea was to bring all students who participated in our project in one place, and therefore give them enough time and space to get to know each other. We have organized a bus for students coming from Berkovići schools, and when they arrived we organize a little walk through the town.

Event started at 11:00 in Sarica house with welcoming words of Orhideja president Minva Hasić, followed by video-documentary projection and open exhibition.

The representatives of schools involved in project received a thank-you card for participating in the project, and they express their gratitude for being part of this unique story.

Event was very well visited; all schools send up to 25 students, since it was during the school hours they couldn’t send more.

The entire event lasted a little bit over an hour, and it was in a very positive atmosphere and students seem to really enjoy their time with each other.

Besides representatives of schools we had representatives from local police, representatives of Gender commision – Žene BiH; representative of Stolac municipality and some members of Stolac NGO’s.


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Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

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