Gender workshop Report (Stolac elementary school)

Report from Gender workshop held in Stolac elementary school:


Report from meeting with teachers and students in Stolac elementary school.

Meeting started at 11:30h in Stolac primary school.

Meeting was attended by:

Sanel Marić – Coordinator assistant,

Merima Zilić – Awareness raising expert

Azra Hasanbegović – Gender expert

Tima Bubalo – assistant gender expert

Saša Borozan – Social network animator

This meeting was organized to introduce teacher and students with project staff, explain goals of this project and include them in workshop about gender rights held by Ms. Azra Hasanbegović and her assistant Tima Bubalo.

This workshop was attended by all teachers and app.50 students from different classes in elementary. They were very pleased with presentation and with workshop. All the students at the workshop showed interest, and teachers complimented project and they said that entire school will benefit from this experience.


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Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

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