Fact sheet European Union

The European Union promotes equality between woman and men. With help of focused policies at EU level, in the form of legislation,recommendations, co-funding and awareness-raising activities, major progress has been achieved.

Check out the fact sheet on: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/gender-equality/files/documents/140303_factsheet_progress_en.pdf

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Report on exhibition of children’s drawings and video-documentary projection.

20.11.2013. on international Children Day we have organized joint exhibition and projection of video-documentary made by students in a newly rebuild Šarića house. The main idea was to bring all students who participated in our project in one place, and therefore give them enough time and space to get to know each other. We have organized a bus for students coming from Berkovići schools, and when they arrived we organize a little walk through the town.

Event started at 11:00 in Sarica house with welcoming words of Orhideja president Minva Hasić, followed by video-documentary projection and open exhibition.

The representatives of schools involved in project received a thank-you card for participating in the project, and they express their gratitude for being part of this unique story.

Event was very well visited; all schools send up to 25 students, since it was during the school hours they couldn’t send more.

The entire event lasted a little bit over an hour, and it was in a very positive atmosphere and students seem to really enjoy their time with each other.

Besides representatives of schools we had representatives from local police, representatives of Gender commision – Žene BiH; representative of Stolac municipality and some members of Stolac NGO’s.


Yes Equality Contact-Info:

e-mail: yes.equality.bih@gmail.com

FaceBook: http://goo.gl/JcHI4

Twitter: http://goo.gl/tJXAY

YouTube: http://goo.gl/pTIgC


Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of Yes Equality (Project EIDHR n. 2012/307-598) partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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Izvještaj sa prvog sastanka sa stakeholderima — 27.09.2013.

Prvi informativni sastanak sa stakeholderima održan je u kancelariji Orhideje u Stocu u 10 sati. Sastanak je vodila koordinator peojekta Minva Hasić, a prisustvovali su:
Azra Turajlić  – Pedagog Prve osnovne škole Stolac
Ivana Babić –  Pedagog Osnovne škole Stolac
Orhan Tikveša
Alen Turković – Predsjednik asocijacije Tutti
Halil Elezović – Predsjednik asocijacije Dažd
Azra Hasanbegović – Gender expert
Sanel Marić –  Asistent kordinatoru projekta
Belma Kekić – Sekretar
Saša Borozan – Animator na socijalnim mrežama
Minva Hasić – Koordinator projekta

Poziv na sudjelovanje na ovom sastanku poslan je svim bitnim osobama u Stocu(predstavnicima vlasti, NVO sektoru…), samo se nekoliko odazvalo. Prvo smo poslali informativno pismo sa svim potrebnim informacijama o projektu i sastanku, poslije toga smo ih pokušali kontaktirati telefonom. Naše informativno pismo sa pozivnicom pročitano je na opštinskom sastanku, većina je odlučila da neće prisustvovati ovim sastancima. Centar za socijalni rad nam je odgovorio da nemaju dovoljno kapaciteta da odgovore na sve pozive nevladinog sektora. Predstavnici srednjih škola, nisu prisustvovali sastanku, iako su bili uključeni i dobro informisani od samog početka projekta, i nadamo se će se neki njihov predstavnik pojaviti na slijedećem sastanku. Ostali koji su bili pozvani, a nisu prisustvovali ovaj put, biti će ponovo kontaktirani sa istim zadatkom, uključenjem u ovaj proces. Na sastanku, sa prisutnim sudionicima, nakon riječi dobrodošlice i predstavljanja, otvorena je diskusija o ciljevima ovog sastanka, i planiranju naših slijedećih koraka. Azra Turajlić imala je odličan prijedlog, o uključivanju Policije i Doma zdravlja u Stocu, na sastanke, da bi dobili sve bitne podatke o situaciji u našem gradu, i svi su se složili da je to nešto što se treba uradti. Minva Hasić je također predstavila ideju pravljenja upitnika za ljude Stoca, preko kojeg ćemo dobiti neke od željenih informacija. Sastanak je završen u 11 sati. Kao dodatak ovom projektu, prilažemo listu prisutnih i fotografije.

Stolac 28.09.2013.

Koordinator projekta: Minva Hasić

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May, 2013 Report

Report for activities done in May, 2013

 We have prepared and organized 2 workshops for activity 2.1. drawing days and organize 2 exhibitions in 3 schools. Open exhibitions were held in every elementary schools in two municipalities Stolac and Bekovići. Two exhibitions in Stolac elementary schools were joined in one because we wanted to join all children and their relatives to be present at the same time in exhibition. Exhibition was well attended by children and teachers from both schools and their relatives.

Video-reporting workshops are still ongoing we have organized so far 3 in Stolac municipality.

We have printed 300 copies of flyers to inform people in our municipalities about implementation of project.



Yes Equality Contact-Info:

e-mail: yes.equality.bih@gmail.com

FaceBook: http://goo.gl/JcHI4

Twitter: http://goo.gl/tJXAY

YouTube: http://goo.gl/pTIgC


Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of Yes Equality (Project EIDHR n. 2012/307-598) partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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April 2013 Report

In April we have organized 18 “drawing days” workshops for children in Stolac primary schools as a continuation of our activities.

16th of April we have received confirmation from Ministry of Education of Republic of Srpska that we can start with implementation of our project in primary school “Njegoš” in Berkovići. The same day we have received confirmation from principal of primary school “Njegoš” Mr. Slavko Novaković that we can organize workshop “drawing days” every Friday from 12:15h to 13:00h.

19th of April 2013 we had workshop with students in primary school “Njegoš” with gender expert about gender rights which was follow up by a workshop of “drawing days”. In month of April overall we had two workshops for students in school “Njegoš”.

Parallel with activities about “drawing days” we have continued to organize video-reporting workshops for students in Berkovići high school and start to organize the same workshops for students of Stolac high school.

In month of April we have organize overall 2 workshops in Berkovići and 1 in Stolac.

18th of April 2013 our project partners from association Tamat arrived – Patrizia Spada and Simona Formica, they stayed in Stolac up till 23 of April 2013.

During their time here they have visited and participated in one of our workshops in Berkovići.

During their visit here we have had series of meetings regarding project, overlooked implementation of project, what we did so far, what needs to be done etc.

3Yes Equality Contact-Info:

e-mail: yes.equality.bih@gmail.com

FaceBook: http://goo.gl/JcHI4

Twitter: http://goo.gl/tJXAY

YouTube: http://goo.gl/pTIgC


Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of Yes Equality (Project EIDHR n. 2012/307-598) partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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Drawing days report prepared by Emina Đonko and Merima Zilić

Name of activity: Organizing “Days of Drawing” for children

Number of users: It is planned that the target group is 250 primary school pupils in Stolac and Berkovici

Implemented in February / March 2013

Responsible persons: Implementation workshops psychologist, facilitator and Human animator.

Activities: Drawing days are planned to be organized for 250 students in three schools, two in Stolac and one in Berkovici. In accordance with this plan we held six drawing workshops on the art lessons in consultation with teachers because some of students are not from the urban area, and it was impossible to gather after regular classes due to organized transport.


We created a positive atmosphere and a two-way communication between trainers and children, during each workshop leaders could see how children aged six to nine years are familiar with the basic concepts of discrimination and violence against women as opposed to children greater age.
The drawings of the younger children from six to nine years, there is an intellectual realism, which means that children draw existing elements that can not be seen because of the angle of presentation. For older children there is expressed criticism that the clearer and more vivid display the default theme in the drawing. This attitude has a negative impact on showing violence in the drawings, as it leads to the release of details and objects for which the child thinks that he can not well display and thus lacks important elements that indicate the presence of violence.
Drawings were analyzed based on the presence or absence of emotional indicators. Emotional indicators in drawings helped us to assess the emotional state of the child, whether the child is often in conflict situations, whether there is a certain level of anxiety, aggression, rejection, insecurity and powerlessness which is typical for children who are daily participants or observers of violence.

Children drew on the theme of the family in order to get a clearer picture of how they perceive the mother / wife and her role in society today. In this way they expressed their attitude towards family members by placing figures in certain order, size and color. A large number of children who participated in the workshops were presented by her mother, as a host, the person who is most concerned about them and that is the pillar of the family upbringing. Often omitted in the drawings and their father often explanation was: “Dad is at work.” Picture of the family is idealized and simplified, and it is mostly families with classic roles: mom at home with the kids, dad at work in the public sphere. Shows the hierarchy of power between the sexes.

The family of the child tells the proximity of the characters in the drawing on which is drawn the entire family. In certain drawings father is on the left tells us that the most important figure of the greatest psychological impact it has on the child. Notably, the sun on the children's drawings, which is usually away from the rest of the drawing in the child's subconscious is the father, especially if the distance from the rest of the drawings which may indicate a need for greater communication with his father. In the drawings, we can notice that some kids feel they do not belong. There is also a certain degree of anxiety and aggression.

Insecure and anxious children drew the small figures while children who are aggressive drew large figures, as well as large arms and hands.
Particular attention was paid to the drawings in which individual members of the family barefoot, without the feet and legs, explained that the child does not have enough confidence in their parents, and that he needed more security. With family in the drawings drawn a house that is a symbol of the mother. It was noted that more girls than boys are drawn mother and boys more often than girls draw father. Girls more than boys prefer red while boys prefer cool colors of blue, green and black. Preference red girls and preferences of blue for boys explained learned gender stereotypes.

However there is a significant aggravating factor in the interpretation of drawings during the drawing. Specifically, children drawing can express their desires and hopes, and on the other hand to avoid or reduce the various threats. Given that a number of children did not talk about what they drew during the workshop it is difficult, if not impossible, to discern what is actually working. The biggest problem is that the violence and discrimination against women is seen as a private matter rather than a social problem. Here we must not ignore the fact that neither the victims do not use your rights nor laws out of fear or shame withdraw charges against the abuser. In this way, mothers or wives for their children send a message that violence or discrimination of socially acceptable behavior. Children are raised in the spirit to think that violence is natural and normal thing that happens in the family. Present fear, shame, unconscious, mistrust and out lacks relevant information why children in higher grades do not show the elements of violence and discrimination in the drawings.


– It is necessary to work with young people to prevent violence and discrimination, because it is an age when entering the first connection and very often do not recognize some types of behavior in their relationships as violence or discrimination.
– It is necessary to work on the identification and elimination of stereotypes and myths about violence to justify and support violence against women
– Taking into the seriousness of this issue it is needed permanent commitment and cooperation of the community, people in positions of power and unselfish involvement of experts in solving this problem.
– Implement prevention programs in elementary and secondary schools
– Work on the change in the family related to traditional models related to roles based on gender (some cultures traditionally emphasize the male figures that have the power of a complete family.
– General changes in attitudes towards physical punishment. Norms that allow violence in the home must be changed-through workshops, training and lectures to inform the parents that is useless and harmful use of physical or any other kind of violence.

– Organize workshops for parents of children whose drawings clearly depict violence and discrimination, and educate them on how they can modify the desired behaviors and eliminate undesirable acceptable.
– Given that the school is just one but a very important partner, it would be desirable to this kind of workshops and training implemented at parent-teacher conferences to be used on dealing with issues of gender equality. In this way, students and parents and teachers to acquire knowledge, practice activities and develop values ​​and attitudes and become more competent citizens who are equally respected both sexes.
– To encourage the active participation of men in combating violence against women

Stolac, 31.03.2013
Report prepared by: Emina Đonko, dipl.psch. and Merima Zilić


Yes Equality Contact-Info:

e-mail: yes.equality.bih@gmail.com

FaceBook: http://goo.gl/JcHI4

Twitter: http://goo.gl/tJXAY

YouTube: http://goo.gl/pTIgC


Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of Yes Equality (Project EIDHR n. 2012/307-598) partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.


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Gender workshop Report (Stolac elementary school)

Report from Gender workshop held in Stolac elementary school:


Report from meeting with teachers and students in Stolac elementary school.

Meeting started at 11:30h in Stolac primary school.

Meeting was attended by:

Sanel Marić – Coordinator assistant,

Merima Zilić – Awareness raising expert

Azra Hasanbegović – Gender expert

Tima Bubalo – assistant gender expert

Saša Borozan – Social network animator

This meeting was organized to introduce teacher and students with project staff, explain goals of this project and include them in workshop about gender rights held by Ms. Azra Hasanbegović and her assistant Tima Bubalo.

This workshop was attended by all teachers and app.50 students from different classes in elementary. They were very pleased with presentation and with workshop. All the students at the workshop showed interest, and teachers complimented project and they said that entire school will benefit from this experience.


Yes Equality Contact-Info:

e-mail: yes.equality.bih@gmail.com

FaceBook: http://goo.gl/JcHI4

Twitter: http://goo.gl/tJXAY

YouTube: http://goo.gl/pTIgC


Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of Yes Equality (Project EIDHR n. 2012/307-598) partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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Meeting Report


Report from meeting with Principal Zdravka Marjanović of Stolac primary school.  18.02.2013.

In this meeting we informed Principal Zdravka Marjanović about our plans and activities planned for the school, talked about how we are planning to implement this project and try to set a starting date when animators can come and work with children.

Principal Zdravka Marjanović was cooperative, she told us that we have her support in this project and that she will inform teachers about this project.


Yes Equality Contact-Info:

e-mail: yes.equality.bih@gmail.com

FaceBook: http://goo.gl/JcHI4

Twitter: http://goo.gl/tJXAY

YouTube: http://goo.gl/pTIgC


Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of Yes Equality (Project EIDHR n. 2012/307-598) partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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Jedna milijarda ustaje!

Udruženje Orhideja Stolac je jedna od organizacija koja je podržala globalnu kampaniju”Jedna milijarda ustaje”. Kampanija u kojoj svi zajedno plešemo protiv nasilja i diskriminacije nad ženama imala je veliki odjek u Stocu. Veliki broj građana, srednjoškolaca, osnovaca, nevladinih organizacija pridružilo nam se tačno u 14.00 sati na datum 14.02.2013 kako bi odalo iskrenu podršku istom cilju “Stop diskriminaciji nad ženama”.

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Integrating civil society generational perspectives in combating all forms of discrimination against women and girls – YES EQUALITY – (Report for activities done in January 2013.)

In January as it was planned we have been in several meetings in schools that are involved in this project. First meeting was done in primary school that works on Bosnian educational program. Minva, Pietro and Sanel were present at the meeting with Principal Adem Haračić of Stolac primary school. In this meeting we introduced and discussed plans of upcoming activities that are planned with children in the school, introduced them with “drawing days” and methodology of work. Principal of Stolac primary school was very cooperative and told us that we will have all necessary support from the school.

Our second meeting was with with principal of Stolac primary school that works on Croatian educational program but it was cancelled because as we were informed principal’s husband died and she was off from school for a while. We try to talk to her deputy but we were told to wait for her. We will arrange another meeting as soon as she returns.

Third meeting was held in Stolac high school with principal Mirjana Biletić and her deputy Mustafa Hodžić (school works as one unit but has two programs one that works on Croatian education program is lead by principal MirjanaBiletić and Bosnian education program was lead by her deputy Mustafa and all other activities are made by mutual agreement) We explained our mission and program and they were very pleased to be part of it and we have told that we will have their support in this program. This meting was attended by Minva, Pietro and Sanel.

Next meeting was held in primary school “Njegoš” in Berkovići with Principal Slavko Novaković. We informed him about upcoming activities, exchanged information and talked about methodology that is planned in our “drawing days” with children. Principal informed us that his school had similar activities in the past and that he is not so excited about this one, and also told us that he need confirmation from Ministry of Culture of Republika Srpska and  confirmation from parents before we start with implementation of the project.

After meeting with principal of primary school we had another meeting in Berkovići with high school Principal Vlado Ivanišević. This meeting as the other ones was informative; we explain our mission and our plans, talked about project and how students can take part in it. Princupal Vlado was very cooperative and said that he is very pleased that we include his school in this project.

After these meetings we had another meeting with principals and staff with goal to set methodology of selecting all children who are interested in joining this program and we have come up with one short questioner where children will be asked whether they want to participate in this project.

Yes Equality Contact-Info:

e-mail: yes.equality.bih@gmail.com

FaceBook: http://goo.gl/JcHI4

Twitter: http://goo.gl/tJXAY

YouTube: http://goo.gl/pTIgC


Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of Yes Equality (Project EIDHR n. 2012/307-598) partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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