Gender workshop Report (Stolac elementary school)

Report from Gender workshop held in Stolac elementary school:


Report from meeting with teachers and students in Stolac elementary school.

Meeting started at 11:30h in Stolac primary school.

Meeting was attended by:

Sanel Marić – Coordinator assistant,

Merima Zilić – Awareness raising expert

Azra Hasanbegović – Gender expert

Tima Bubalo – assistant gender expert

Saša Borozan – Social network animator

This meeting was organized to introduce teacher and students with project staff, explain goals of this project and include them in workshop about gender rights held by Ms. Azra Hasanbegović and her assistant Tima Bubalo.

This workshop was attended by all teachers and app.50 students from different classes in elementary. They were very pleased with presentation and with workshop. All the students at the workshop showed interest, and teachers complimented project and they said that entire school will benefit from this experience.


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Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of Yes Equality (Project EIDHR n. 2012/307-598) partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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Meeting Report


Report from meeting with Principal Zdravka Marjanović of Stolac primary school.  18.02.2013.

In this meeting we informed Principal Zdravka Marjanović about our plans and activities planned for the school, talked about how we are planning to implement this project and try to set a starting date when animators can come and work with children.

Principal Zdravka Marjanović was cooperative, she told us that we have her support in this project and that she will inform teachers about this project.


Yes Equality Contact-Info:






Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of Yes Equality (Project EIDHR n. 2012/307-598) partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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Jedna milijarda ustaje!

Udruženje Orhideja Stolac je jedna od organizacija koja je podržala globalnu kampaniju”Jedna milijarda ustaje”. Kampanija u kojoj svi zajedno plešemo protiv nasilja i diskriminacije nad ženama imala je veliki odjek u Stocu. Veliki broj građana, srednjoškolaca, osnovaca, nevladinih organizacija pridružilo nam se tačno u 14.00 sati na datum 14.02.2013 kako bi odalo iskrenu podršku istom cilju “Stop diskriminaciji nad ženama”.

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Integrating civil society generational perspectives in combating all forms of discrimination against women and girls – YES EQUALITY – (Report for activities done in January 2013.)

In January as it was planned we have been in several meetings in schools that are involved in this project. First meeting was done in primary school that works on Bosnian educational program. Minva, Pietro and Sanel were present at the meeting with Principal Adem Haračić of Stolac primary school. In this meeting we introduced and discussed plans of upcoming activities that are planned with children in the school, introduced them with “drawing days” and methodology of work. Principal of Stolac primary school was very cooperative and told us that we will have all necessary support from the school.

Our second meeting was with with principal of Stolac primary school that works on Croatian educational program but it was cancelled because as we were informed principal’s husband died and she was off from school for a while. We try to talk to her deputy but we were told to wait for her. We will arrange another meeting as soon as she returns.

Third meeting was held in Stolac high school with principal Mirjana Biletić and her deputy Mustafa Hodžić (school works as one unit but has two programs one that works on Croatian education program is lead by principal MirjanaBiletić and Bosnian education program was lead by her deputy Mustafa and all other activities are made by mutual agreement) We explained our mission and program and they were very pleased to be part of it and we have told that we will have their support in this program. This meting was attended by Minva, Pietro and Sanel.

Next meeting was held in primary school “Njegoš” in Berkovići with Principal Slavko Novaković. We informed him about upcoming activities, exchanged information and talked about methodology that is planned in our “drawing days” with children. Principal informed us that his school had similar activities in the past and that he is not so excited about this one, and also told us that he need confirmation from Ministry of Culture of Republika Srpska and  confirmation from parents before we start with implementation of the project.

After meeting with principal of primary school we had another meeting in Berkovići with high school Principal Vlado Ivanišević. This meeting as the other ones was informative; we explain our mission and our plans, talked about project and how students can take part in it. Princupal Vlado was very cooperative and said that he is very pleased that we include his school in this project.

After these meetings we had another meeting with principals and staff with goal to set methodology of selecting all children who are interested in joining this program and we have come up with one short questioner where children will be asked whether they want to participate in this project.

Yes Equality Contact-Info:






Contract number: 2012/307-598/

This project is funded by European Union

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of Yes Equality (Project EIDHR n. 2012/307-598) partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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Integracija civilnog društva generacijske perspektive u borbi protiv svih oblika diskriminacije nad ženama i djevojčicama

Udruženje “Orhideja” počinje sa implementacijom projekta “Integracija civilnog društva generacijske perspektive u borbi protiv svih oblika diskriminacije nad ženama i djevojčicama” koji sufinansira EU- Delegacija upravlja fondovima EU a implementira Udruženje Orhideja i TAMAT- italijanska nevladina organizacija.
Projekat ima cilj da kroz rad sa osnovnim i srednjim školama radi na jačanju dijaloga. U borbi protiv svih oblika nasilja i diskriminacije nad ženama i djevojčicama kroz kreativan i ,djeci i mladima,prilagodljiv način učenja osnažit ćemo ove grupe mladih ljudi kako bih naši mladi stekli znanja o ovim temama i počelo ih primjenjivati kroz život.
U projekat su uključene osnovne i srednje škole sa područja Stoca i Berkovića.

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Seminar sa poljoprivrednim članovina zadruge

Danas 17.01.2013 godine u prostorijama udruženja Orhideja održan je sastanak poljoprivrednih proizvođača članova zadruge Hercegovka koji su razgovarali o narednoj sezoni sjetve i sadnje. Predavanje i sastanak je vodio agronom Osman Boškailo koji ima dugogodišnje iskustvo u radu sa zadrugama i proizvođačima. Ovaj sastanak je prvi u nizu obuke za poljoprivredne proizvođače naše zadruge. Naredni sastanak je zakazan za 24.01.2013 u 10 sati. Pridružite nam se! Pozivamo Vas da vidite naše slike.

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